Wed Night Youth Begins!
Sunday, September 14th
6:00pm - 6:30pm Optional Play Time
6:30pm - 7:30pm Class Time
4th-8th Grade Confirmation and "Pre-Confirmation" students are welcome!
Our 4th-6th graders are invited to participate once again in our Wednesday Night Youth time this fall at the church. This is a pre-confirmation group that gathers together to have a Bible lesson, play games and do service projects with one another. The goal is to develop some basic knowledge of the Bible and to build friendships with one another as they start their journey into their confirmation years. Judy Reed is our 4th-6th grade leader this year. Thank you Judy!
Our 7th-8th graders are invited to begin (or continue) confirmation this year on Wednesday nights as well! Confirmation is a two year class that goes into more depth about the Bible and how these ancient stories apply to our life and living today. The confirmation students are expected to do service projects and to help lead church services on Sunday mornings. Pastor Chad leads the confirmation group.